Friday, November 26, 2010


after a wonderful thanksgiving meal, i find relaxed shopping a great way to burn a few extra calories and get out of the {very crowded} house!  my mom and i ventured out downtown manhattan beach to hit up all of our favorite spots.  beehive to lulu's to wright's and free people -- now i am POOPED but i thought i would share my TURBAN get-up {see the glamourai's turban tutorial here}.

oscar de la renta vintage scarf made into a turban - prada sunglasses - millau knit sweater

black friday success!! {one of manyyy} grey/brown low frye boots!!

what did you find today?! xx


Anonymous said...

Alex--I didn't shop, but graded research papers instead. Drooling over the Frye's. I have a new pair I can't wear until Kendi's Remix challenge is over.

Heidi said...

Love the shoes you got! I didn't go shopping. I had to work! Though I kept busy with all the customers! :)