Wednesday, November 17, 2010

snowy d.i.y

i have become particularly annoyed with the lack of wintery weather in santa barbara as of late.  i am ready for the freezing winds and cozy sweaters.  trying to make myself feel better, i found this wonderful winter wonderland snowflake d.i.y. from free people and since it is one step up from elemetary school arts and crafts, i will be partaking.  check back to see my southern california snow-scape!! xx

d.i.y. HERE!!

if you decide to cut out some of your own flakes please share them!!! also, because facebook is apparently the lifeline of all 18 to 30 year olds, LIKE ivoryinklings HERE!!

photos via free people bldg 25

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Festive but in the most chic way possible!